Monday, 11 May 2015

Clean Eating: Banana Choc "Ice Cream"

I love this recipe as a way of getting some fruit into the very fussy little man of mine. I make this as a dairy free recipe but feel free to substitute the oat milk for another nut milk or dairy milk.

6 medium bananas sliced and  frozen
1/3 cup cacao powder
7 dates, soaked  in warm water so they are soft for blending
1 cup oat milk

In the food processor blend all ingredients together but only use half the oat milk. As your blend check to see the consistency of the ice cream and add more milk to get your desired consistency. If you go too far and add too much milk you can always pop the mixture back into the freezer and it will freeze into a tub ice cream consistency rather than a mousse /soft serve consistency.

Note: You can also add in dark chop chips, or swap your cacao for some frozen berries to make different flavours. Generally you can still taste the banana but its mild and the dates help to make it sweeter without adding sugar.


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